In cooperation with Bertz + Fischer Verlag, the DEFA Foundation publishes its series of publications, which in irregular intervals provide access to important texts on the history of DEFA. It publishes essays, documentaries and research work from the foundation's sponsored projects.
In collaboration with other publishing houses, volumes on individual DEFA artists are also being produced. The series of manuscripts features unpublished funding results.
Foundation Series
- Audience Pirates. DEFA Genre Cinema and its Directors (1946-90) by Stefanie Mathilde Frank & Ralf Schenk
- From the Hand to the Puppet. A life for animated film. In conversation with Günter Rätz by Volker Petzold
- In the Engine Room of Cinematography. Reminiscences of DEFA Chief Dramaturge Rudolf Jürschik by Detlef Kannapin
- Staged Reality. DEFA Feature Films as a Source of Contemporary Historical Interpretation by Klaus-Dieter Felsmann
- Under high skies. The Universe Volker Koepp by Grit Lemke
- She. DEFA directors and their films, by Cornelia Klauß & Ralf Schenk (Ed.)
- Start in Moscow: Directorial Students of the Moscow Film Academy Remember, by Iris Gusner
- More Art Than Advertising: The GDR Movie Poster 1945-1990, by Detlef Helmbold
- A Professional Life with DEFA: An Interview with the Feature Film Studio’s Last General Director, by Dorett Molitor & Gert Golde
- Unknown Ivens: Triumph, Damnation, Resurrection of Joris Ivens at DEFA and in the GDR, 1948-1989, by Günter Jordan
- Friendship - przyjaźń?, by Thomas Heimann
- My Last Picture Show, by Roland Gräf
- The Times, the World, and Me: On the Cinematic Works by Rainer Simon, by Michael Grisko
- Tangents. Holocaust and Jewish Life Reflected in Audiovisual Media of the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR from 1946-1990. A Documentation, by Elke Schieber
- The Bolschevik: Michael Tschesno-Hell and his DEFA Films, by Ralph Hammerthaler
- Forbidden Utopia: The SED, DEFA and the 11th Plenum, by Andreas Kötzing & Ralf Schenk
- Images of the Century: The State Film Archive of the GDR, 1955-1990. Memories. by Eva Hahm, Hans Karnstädt, Wolfgang Klaue & Günter Schulz
- The Late Show: DEFA’s Unhappy Generation, by Reinhild Steingröver
- Sound of the Times: Music in DEFA Feature Films. An Approach. by Klaus-Dieter Felsmann
- Movie Time – Life Time: The History of the Origins and Reception of the DEFA Film The Bicycle by Evelyn Schmidt
- Cui bono, Fred Gehler? Texts and Reviews from Five Decades, by Ralf Schenk
- The Spirits that I Summoned… On the Pleasure of Making Films, by Günter Meyer
- Strategies of Resistance: Studies on the Political-Aesthetic Gestus of Unorthodox Cinematic Articulations of the Late Phase of the GDR, by Claus Löser
- German Children’s Films from Babelsberg. Workshop Discussions – Reception Rooms, by Klaus-Dieter Felsmann & Bernd Sahling
- The Second Life of Friedrich Wilhelm Georg Platow: The Origins Story of a DEFA Film, by Siegfried Kühn
- Cooperation or Competition? The Relationship Between Film and Television in the GDR, by Thomas Beutelschmidt
- The DEFA Legacy: The Almost Never-ending Story of the Formation of a Foundation, by Stefanie Eckert
- Where Love Fails: Insights and Anecdotes From the Film Photographer for the DEFA Production “Too Young for Love?”, by Uwe Fleischer
- What I Should Know About DEFA: 163 Keywords for DEFA Films, by Frank-Burkhard Habel
- The Leipzig Documentary Film Festival. Films and Politics in View and Counterview, by Heidi Martini
- Banquet for Achilles: Difficulties with the Working Class, by Roland Gräf
- The Camera is Running: Interviews with DEFA Cinematographers, by Peter Badel
- The Imagined Nation: Identity, Body and Gender in DEFA Films, by Bettina Mathes
- A Short History of DEFA: Dates, Documents, Memories, by Ralf Schenk
- The Youthful View: Helmut Dzuiba’s Feature Films in DEFA’s Last Decade, by Stefan Röske
- Puppets in DEFA Animation Films, by Sabine Scholze, Jörg Herrmann, Martina Großer & Rolf Hofmann
- The Beauty of this World: A Film Director Remembers, by Lothar Warneke
- DEFA and Copyright, by Stefan Haupt
- Narrating for Film: Interviews with DEFA Authors, by Wolfgang Trampe
- The Sleep Before the Awakening, by Karl-Hans Bergmann
The following volumes, published by Aufbau Publishing, Peter Lang Publishing, Christoph Links Publishing, Das Neue Berlin, Edition Ebersbach, Röhrig University Press, or the Filmmuseum Potsdam, are also part of the DEFA Foundation’s publication series:
- Film in the GDR: Dates, Facts, Structures, by Günter Jordan
- I was always a Player – Egon Günther, by Egon Günther, Dorett Molitor & Ingrid Poss
- Between the Historical Film and Contemporary Comedy, by Michael Grisko
- Courage and Self-Will: Wolfgang Staudte’s 100th Birthday, by Uschi Schmidt-Lenhard & Andreas Schmidt-Lenhard
- The Women of Babelsberg: Biographies from 100 Years of Film History, by Daniela Sannwald & Christina Tilmann
- Jutta Hoffmann. Actress, by Jutta Hoffmann, Birgit Scholz & Peter Warnecke
- Albert Wilkening. The Gentleman of DEFA, by Michael Grisko
- I Used to be a Child Actor: DEFA and its Youngest Actors, by Knut Elstermann
- Faraway Country: The GDR, DEFA and the Call of the Chimborazo, by Rainer Simon
- Scenes of a Country: The GDR and its Films, by Wolfgang Gersch
- Trace of Films: DEFA Eyewitnesses, by Ingrid Poss & Peter Warnecke
Journal of the DEFA-Foundation
A journal entitled "Leuchtkraft" was published for the first time on the 20th anniversary of the founding of the DEFA Foundation. The title alludes to Jochen Krausser's grotesque film Leuchtkraft der Ziege (1987). The journal highlights the work of the foundation, what has been achieved and what is still to come. It offers texts, interviews, analyses and reports on DEFA research and DEFA events. The editorial team has been in the hands of Linda Söffker since 2022.
The journals are available to download free of charge on the following pages (in German):
“apropos Film” is an annual publication by the DEFA Foundation that appeared from 2000 to 2006. It approaches DEFA history through academic essays and testimonies, but it also deals with new German film production. Reports by the Board of Directors provide an overview of the foundation’s work and funding activities. The 2005 yearbook is the last volume of this series.
- apropos: Film 2005
- apropos: Film 2004
- apropos: Film 2003
- apropos: Film 2002
- apropos: Film 2001
- apropos: Film 2000
The Publishers
Dr. Erika Richter was editor of the journal wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen for many years. She wrote her dissertation on DEFA’s contemporary films of the early 1970s. From 1992 to 1999 she was responsible for the publication of the magazine Film und Fernsehen.
Ralf Schenk was editor of the journals Film und Fernsehen, Weltbühne and Wochenpost. He was also a staff member of the Filmmuseum Potsdam, editor and publisher of numerous film books, and he wrote about a dozen television documentaries for ORB and MDR.
Claus Löser was born in 1962. Since 1990, he has worked as a freelance author and film critic, as well as program developer for Brotfabrik Cinema in Berlin-Weißensee. He is the author of Counter Images: GDR Underground Films, and he is co-editor of a book about filmic subversion in the GDR from 1976-1989, which appeared under the title Gegenbilder.
In addition to the foundation series, the DEFA Foundation publishes manuscripts at irregular intervals. These often contain biographies, lost original texts, memoirs or simple collections of texts.
- Müntzer in Allstedt. A scenario for a feature film, by Hans-Jörg Rother
- The Eye Swims on the Canale Grande, by Eduard Schreiber
- Myth and More: A Work-Biographical Kaleidoscope, by Walter Beck
- Exercises in Balance: Texts, Poems, and Collages by Rolf Richter, by Erika Richter
- A History of Unperceived Possibilities, or How the End of DEFA Began in 1990. A Personal Report. by Wolfgang Gersch
- The Long Shadows that Followed. Texts of Unrealized DEFA Films, 1965-66. by Günter Agde
- Disconcerting Far and Wide: Film Reviews in the Weekly Magazine “Die Weltbühne”, by Klaus Wischnewski & Peter Ahrens
- We, Who Made the Pictures: Cameramen in the DEFA Feature Film Studio, by Horst E. Brandt
- “The Talking Light.” Cinema in the Nursery – The DEFA Dia Roll Film of Yesterday and Today, by Patrizia Vester
- “At 6pm after the End of War” until “High Noon”: Cinema and Film in Postwar Berlin, 1945-1953. by Michael Hanisch
Other Books
- „Leuchtkraft“ - The Journal of the DEFA Foundation
- Festschrift: Erika Richter - Liebe zum Kino
- Das große Lexikon der DEFA-Spielfilme
- Die DEFA-Märchenfilme
- Gesichter der DEFA
- Die Trick-Fabrik. DEFA-Animationsfilme 1955-1990
- Filmografie der Produktionsgruppe „Stacheltier“
- Filmografie: Ausländische Spiel- und abendfüllende Dokumentarfilme in den Kinos der SBZ/ DDR (1945 – 1966)
- Der geteilte Himmel. Höhepunkte des DEFA-Kinos (1946 – 1992)