Disconcerting Far and Wide
Film Reviews in the Weekly Magazine “Die Weltbühne”
German Title: Bestürzend fern und nah. Filmkritiken in der Wochenzeitschrift "Die Weltbühne"
Klaus Wischnewski / Peter Ahrens (1928 - 2003)
205 Pagres, 35 Images
Price: 5,00 Euro
Only available as pdf-file
Obtainable at: info@defa-stiftung.de
On the occasion of the 80th birthday of the filmreviewer, author and dramatic adviser Klaus Wischnewski, who died in 2003, the DEFA-Foundation published this manuscript by communicating with Christa Vetter-Wischnewski. It contains a lot of articles, which have been published at the magazin "Die Weltbühne" for example film reviews of THE LEGEND OF PAUL AND PAULA or THE TRACE OF STONES and delivers insight into the world of the DEFA film from 1971 to 1991. The manuscript starts with a preface of Ralf Schenk.