Film still for "Lotte in Weimar"

“The Talking Light.”

Cinema in the Nursery – The DEFA Dia Roll Film of Yesterday and Today

German Title: "Das Sprechende Licht". Kino im Kinderzimmer. Der DEFA-Dia-Rollfilm gestern und heute

Patrizia Vester
67 Pages, 12 Images
Price: 5,00 Euro

Only available as pdf-file
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Slide-roll films are little film reels for home entertainment in the sixties and seventies. With a small home projector the slides were projected successively on a wall, so you had a little story. The DEFA has produced hundreds of these films like fairy tailes, pictures of landscapes and comics.

Today these films are very rare and have been fallen into oblivion. Patricia Vester looks for rests of them and for memories and stories about them. She gives the slide-roll films their liveliness back. The book contains interviews with collectors and staff of the former DEFA-film laboratory, a list with produced DEFA-slide-roll films and a general view about artists.

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