Früher war ich Filmkind
Die DEFA und ihre jüngsten Darsteller
Knut Elstermann
224 Pages
Numerous colored motives
ISBN-10: 3360021142 / ISBN-13: 9783360021144
19,95 Euros (plus shipping)
Available on: Amazon
The Book

They were not celebrated as stars, but the success of the DEFA child movies like "The Little Muck" or "Fat Little Tilla" depended on the performance of the child actors. The film journalist Knut Elstermann has interviewed 14 former DEFA child actorsabout their work in a DEFA film. How has the work with the directors been? What did they do after the film? Images of the shootings give an impression of the work behind the scenes and many film photos remind of the DEFA child movies.
Source: "Das Neue Berlin".