Film still for "Lotte in Weimar"

Where Love Fails

Insights and Anecdotes From the Film Photographer for the DEFA Production “Too Young for Love?”

German Title: Wo Liebe hinfällt. Einblicke und Anekdoten...

Uwe Fleischer
144 Pages, 59 Pictures
Paperback, 14,8 x 21 cm
Price: 8,00 Euro (plus shipping)
ISBN: 978-3-00-024361-5

Obtainable at:

The Book

The film photographer Uwe Fleischer wrote down a variety of insights and anecdotes regarding the creation of the DEFA film "FÜR DIE LIEBE NOCH ZU MAGER?" in the book "Wo Liebe hinfällt" (lit. "Where Love Falls") and supplemented them with his own experiences. From the perspective of the camera assistant at the time, he reports on the production of the film and not only describes his work, but also conducts conversations with the main actors Simone von Zglinicki and Christian Steyer, as well as with the director Bernhard Stephan and other employees.


The Author

Uwe Fleischer has been working at the Babelsberg Film Studio since 1970. After working as a camera assistant and film photographer, he graduated from the Babelsberg Film Academy (as an engineer for film and television technology and cameraman) and was head of the animation department at the DEFA Studio Babelsberg from 1981 to 1994.
Together with Dr. Jürgen Ristow, he built up a digital image processing centre (OPTRONIK) in the mid-1990s. As a producer he worked for the "Studio Five" tv production aswell as for Studio Babelsberg. Uwe Fleischer has been teaching camera, scenography and animation at the HFF Babelsberg for many years.

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