Director: Gottfried Kolditz, 93 Min., Color, Feature Film
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)
DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme, 1973
- Film/Video Format
- 35 mm
- Length in m
- 2560
- Other Title
- Mangos Colorados
- English Title
- Apaches
- Premiere Date
- Release Date (for Cinema)

(Dir.: Gottfried Kolditz, 1973) Graphic Design: Karl-Heinz Drescher
Short Summary (English)
In 1822, the Mimbreno Apache Indians entered into an agreement with a Mexican mining company, reliquishing all mining rights and guaranteeing the safety of the copper town of Santa Rita del Cobre as well as its access roads. In return, the company guaranteed the livelihood of the Indians, who had hardly any more hunting grounds at the time. However, American companies are also interested in the precious metal deposits. Under their orders, mining engineer and geologist Johnson attempts to expel the Mimbrenos. When the annual food rations are handed out in Santa Rita, Johnson commits a massacre amongst the Indians with an army cannon. For this savage slaughter, he receives a huge reward. Ulzana , a young Mimbreno warrior, assuming the role as a chief, now leads the few survivors to a neighboring Apache Indian tribe in order to avenge the atrocity perpetrated against his people. During the attack on the American settlement, a life-and-death struggle ensues between Johnson and Ulzana.
Source: PROGRESS Film-Verleih

(Dir.: Gottfried Kolditz, 1973) Photography: Peter Dietrich

(Dir.: Gottfried Kolditz, 1973) Photography: Peter Dietrich
Film Crew
- Director
- Script
- Scenario
- Gojko Mitić
- Gottfried Kolditz
- Camera
- Helmut Bergmann
- Film Editing
- Christa Helwig (geb. Stritt)
- Cast
- Gojko Mitić (Ulzana)
- Milan Beli (eig. Bosiljcic) (Johnson)
- Colea Rautu (Nana)
- Leon Niemczyk (Ramon)
- Gerry Wolff (Lagerverwalter)
- Rolf Hoppe (Captain Burton)
- Elsa Grube-Deister (Theresa)
- Fred Ludwig (Miguel)
- Fred Delmare (Der Kleine)
- Hartmut Beer (Gleason)
- Horst Kube (Goldgräber)
- Thomas Weisgerber (Kommandante)
- Horst Schön (Oberst Keanrey)
- Werner Kanitz (Bagulé)
- Dorel Jacobescu (Hackii)
- Willi Schrade (Schwarzes Messer)
- Hermann Eckhardt (Der Alte Ronny)
- Gert Hänsch (Der Stoppelbärtige)
- Fritz Mohr (Sergeant)
- Elena Sereda (Ulzanas Schwiegermutter)
- Viktor Mavrodineanu (Juan)
- Carmen Maria Strujac (Bagulés Schwester)
- Sandu Simonica (Juan José)
- Florin Scarlatescu (Pedro)
- Consuela Darie (Ulzanas Tante)
- Elena Albu (Ulzanas Frau)
- Ilena Ploscaro (Frau von José)
- Csech Szaboles (Harry)
- Peter Heiland (Goldgräber)
- Eckhard Becker (Goldgräber)
- Wilfried Zander (Morrie)
- Dirk Jungnickel (Der Heisere)
- Dietmar Richter (Dicker Reiter)
- Hans-Uwe Wardeck (Leutnant)
- Lucian Iancu (Chico)
- Pedro Hebenstreit (Sergeant)
- Manea Alexandru (Soldat Paolo)
- C. Paun (2. Soldat)
- Jimmy Constantinescu (Mexikaner)
- Aurel Gruczowski (Angestellter)
- Assistant Director
- Dirk Jungnickel
- Angelika Mackrodt
- Eleonore Dressel
- Assistant Camera
- Peter Dietrich
- Wolfgang Kroffke
- Production Design
- Heinz Röske
- Script Editing
- Hans-Joachim Wallstein
- Music
- Hans-Dieter Hosalla
- Sound
- Georg Gutschmidt
- Werner Dibowski
- Costume Design
- Günther (auch Günter) Heidemann (geb. Schmidt, auch Schmidt-Heidemann)
- Make-Up
- Lothar Stäglich
- Christa (auch: Christel) Grewald
- Production Management
- Dorothea Hildebrandt
- Unit Production Management
- Gerrit List
- Ursula Dombrowski
- Hans-Uwe Wardeck
- Consulting
- Lothar Dräger
- DEFA Photography
- Peter Dietrich
- Dubbing (Dubbing Actor)
- Thomas Kästner (Ulzana)
- Jürgen Kluckert (Johnson)
- Walter Wickenhauser (Nana)
- Eberhard Mellies (Ramon)
- Kaspar Eichel (Hackii)
- Ruth Kommerell (Ulzanas Schwiegermutter)
- Ulrich Anschütz (Juan)
- Renate Blume (Bagulés Schwester)
- Gerd Biewer (Juan José)
- Werner Kamenik (Pedro)
- Evamaria Bath (Ulzanas Tante)
- Friederike Aust (Ulzanas Frau)
- Rolf Ripperger (Harry)
- Gerd Ehlers (Chico)
- Gerd Funk (Soldat Paolo)
- Peter Pauli (2. Soldat)
- Paul Berndt (Mexikaner / Angestellter)
- Red Earth Film Festival, Oklahoma, USA (1997): Special Recognition
Short Summary (German)
In den 40er-Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts schließen die Mimbreno-Apachen in "Neu-Spanien" mit einer mexikanischen Minengesellschaft einen Vertrag, der den Mexikanern die Schürfrechte auf Indianergebiet gewährt. Die Lagerstätten von Edelmetallen aber haben auch den amerikanischen Geologen Johnson auf den Plan gerufen. Er will das Land, richtet in der Siedlung Santa Rita mit einer Armee-Kanone ein Massaker unter den Indianern an. Für die Skalpe kassiert er außerdem eine riesige Prämie. Nur wenige Indianer haben überlebt und fliehen, unter ihnen Häuptling Ulzana. Gemäß den Stammesgesetzen verfolgen sie den Mörder, um Rache zu üben.
(Quelle: Das zweite Leben der Filmstadt Babelsberg. DEFA-Spielfilme 1946-1992)
Short Summary (Other Languages)
Durante gli anni '40 del secolo scorso, una colonia di Apaches Mimbreno in "Nuova Spagna" sottoscrive un contratto con una società mineraria messicana cedendole il diritto di condurre ricerche minerarie in tutto il territorio indiano. Ma i giacimenti di metalli preziosi hanno attirato anche l'attenzione del geologo americano Johnson. Pur di avere i terreni punta un esercito di cannoni sulla colonia di Santa Rita massacrando gli indiani. Per gli scalpi si aggiudicherà una lauta ricompensa. Il capo Ulzana e i pochi sopravvissuti fuggono, ma fedeli alla legge della loro tribù perseguiteranno l'assassino fino a vendicarsi. (Italienisch)