Movie Database


Blumen für den Mann im Mond

Director: Rolf Losansky, 83 Min., Color, Feature Film
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)
DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme, 1974 - 1975

Film/Video Format
35 mm
Length in m
English Title
Flowers For The Man In The Moon
Premiere Date
Release Date (for Cinema)
Film poster for "Blumen für den Mann im Mond"

(Dir.: Rolf Losansky, 1974 - 1975) Graphic Design: Jürgen Stock

Short Summary (English)

Once upon a time-like all other fairy- tales, this one, too, could begin with these words, which make children so curious right from the outset. But this DEFA film for children is not set in far gone times. The adventure of Adam Ledermann, a boy with very vivid imagination, are very much part of the present. Everything starts with the moon herself telling Adam how wonderful it would be if flowers could grow on her vast, bleak landscape. This is a challenge which strikes Adam like lightning and excites his imagination and activity. What could be done, he wonders. How can he help the man in the moon. Because naturally, he does want to help. And so he goes looking for friends and allies. However, cultivating flowers which could grow on the moon is a little too difficult, although Adam grew up amid flowers and plants. His father is a famous cultivator. He is able to win the pilot, Condensation Max for his plan, because everything this pilot builds can fly. Professor Vitamine, a capacity on her own in the field of biology also helps Adam with his experiments. And grandpa Sielaff encourages him by giving him a giant cucumber, two meters long. As you can see, nothing is impossible. And how does the story end? Well, like all stories where something good and worthwhile overcomes all obstacles. At any rate, Adam has enough perseverance and imagination to persist in his aim. Needless to say that all this is recounted with the cheerful turbulence consistent with a film of this type.

Film still for "Blumen für den Mann im Mond"

(Dir.: Rolf Losansky, 1974 - 1975) Photography: Christa Köfer

Film still for "Blumen für den Mann im Mond"

(Dir.: Rolf Losansky, 1974 - 1975) Photography: Christa Köfer

Film Crew

  • Rolf Losansky
  • Rolf Losansky
  • Irmgard Speitel
  • Ulrich Speitel
  • Helmut Grewald
Film Editing
  • Ursula Zweig
  • Sven Grothe (Adam)
  • Jutta Wachowiak (Mutter Ledermann)
  • Stefan Lisewski (Vater Ledermann)
  • Dieter Franke (Kondensmaxe)
  • Annemone Haase (Professor Vitamin)
  • Gerhard Bienert (Opa Sielaff)
  • Astrid Heinze (Evchen)
  • Dirk Förster (Manni)
  • Yvonne Dießner (Susi)
  • Ronald Schwarz (Egon)
  • Carl Heinz Choynski (Faktotum)
  • Dieter Jäger (Anton)
  • Evamaria Bath (Gertrud)
  • Carmen-Maja Antoni (Maja)
  • Jürgen Hilbrecht (Paul)
  • Annerose Diete (Ulla)
  • Klaus Gehrke (Bäcker Pfannkuchen)
  • Ralf Schlösser (Ralf)
  • Frank Mettchen (Frank)
  • Hannelore Groth (Irmchen)
  • Gertraut Last (Dozentin)
  • Werner Wieland (Zerstreuter Professor)
  • Lothar Lippmann (Führer im botanischen Garten)
  • Friedrich Teitge (Alter Mann)
  • Sabine Heinrich (Tänzerin)
  • Patrick Eckner ("Bräutigam" Ulli)
  • Uwe Schmeckebier ("Bräutigam" Olaf)
  • Peter Pohl ("Bräutigam" Lothar)
  • Lars Renner ("Bräutigam" Werner)
  • Mario Höhne ("Bräutigam" Paul)
Assistant Director
  • Sigrid Meyer
Assistant Camera
  • Detlef Hertelt
Production Design
  • Jochen (auch: Joachim) Keller
Script Editing
  • Gudrun Deubener (geb. Rammler)
  • Peter Gotthardt
  • Klaus Wolter
  • Gerhard Ribbeck
Costume Design
  • Barbara Braumann (geb. Müller)
  • Jürgen Holzapfel
  • Irmela Holzapfel
Production Management
  • Erich Kühne
Unit Production Management
  • Dieter Anders
  • Manfred Bendick
  • Ingo Baar (Trick)
  • Jiří Rumler (Trick)
  • Siegfried Bergmann (Botanischer Trick)
DEFA Photography
  • Christa Köfer
  • Günter (auch: Günther) Grabbert (Mond)


  • VII. Kinderfilmwoche der DDR in Gera (1977): Diplom des Ministers für Kultur
  • VII. Kinderfilmwoche der DDR in Gera (1977): Diplom der Kinderjury

Short Summary (German)

Der Pionier Adam Ledermann hat eine ausgefallene Idee, er will Blumen für den Mond züchten, damit die Menschen, die einmal dort arbeiten werden, auch ihre Freude haben. Von seinen Freunden wird er als Spinner bezeichnet, aber als er Partner findet für sein fantastisches Projekt, Landwirtschaftsflieger Kondensmaxe und Professor Vitamin, werden auch die anderen vorm Forschungsdrang erfasst. Komplizierte Experimente werden gemacht, auch Fehlschläge müssen verkraftet werden. Aber Begeisterung, Einfallsreichtum und Ausdauer führen zum Ziel: eine wunderbare Mondblume.

(Quelle: Das zweite Leben der Filmstadt Babelsberg. DEFA-Spielfilme 1946-1992)

Short Summary (Other Languages)

L'inventore Adam Ledermann ha una stramba idea: vuole coltivare dei fiori che sopravvivano sulla luna per rallegrare la vita di coloro che, un giorno, vi andranno a lavorare. Ad aiutarlo in questa fantastica impresa ci sono l'agricoltore Kondensmaxe e il Professor Vitamin, ma anche tutti i suoi amici, che lo avevano preso per pazzo, si appasionano al progetto. Dopo complicati esperimenti e numerose delusioni, l'entusiasmo, l'inventiva e la perseveranza danno il loro frutto: un bellissimo fiore della luna. (Italienisch)

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