Movie Database



Director: Walter Beck, 66 Min., Black-White, Feature Film
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)
DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme, 1959

Film/Video Format
35 mm
Length in m
English Title
Premiere Date
Release Date (for Cinema)
Film poster for "Claudia"

(Dir.: Walter Beck, 1959) Graphic Design: Werner Klemke

Short Summary (English)

Claudia is a self-confident girl who spends time in a Young Pioneer camp and wants to prove that she can keep up with the boys in a scouting wide game. At first, the boys are skeptical. During the game, which is based on true events from the period when the socialist laws came into effect, an illegal newspaper is meant to be transported from “Switzerland” to a meeting point of the “socialists”. In order to do this, the newspaper must be smuggled through the lines of some “Prussian Gendarms”. Claudia takes great efforts in the game, but since she acts on her own authority too much she endangers her team’s victory. Just in time, she realizes how important it is to proceed as a team and proves herself to be a valuable member of the collective.

(Quelle: filmportal)

Film still for "Claudia"

(Dir.: Walter Beck, 1959) Photography: Rudolf Meister

Film still for "Claudia"

(Dir.: Walter Beck, 1959) Photography: Rudolf Meister

Film Crew

  • Walter Beck
  • Walter Beck
  • Walter Fehdmer
Film Editing
  • Lieselotte Johl
  • Heidi Teschner (Claudia)
  • Herbert Sievers (Volkspolizist)
  • Annelise Matschulat (Frau Linde)
  • Maria Besendahl (Bäuerin)
  • Erich Fritze (Bauer)
  • Rolf Römer (auch: Rolf Specht) (Pionierleiter)
  • Ada Mahr (Bäuerin)
  • Otto Saltzmann (Schuster)
  • Friedrich Teitge (Bahnhofvorsteher)
  • Trude Brentina (Köchin im Pionierlager)
  • Maika Joseph (Bäuerin)
  • Elstrud Porth (Renate)
  • Barbara Klippert (Brigitte)
  • Regina Bruske (Gudrun)
  • Elisabeth Weisner (Ilse)
  • Karin Kriwitz (Pionier)
  • Victor Cori (Werner)
  • Rolf-Rüdiger Pul (Erwin)
  • Detlev Russ (Norbert)
  • Gunter Depping (Hubert)
  • Dietmar Kuschy (Thomas)
  • Ingolf Rösener (Hans)
  • Ingo Daden (Rolf)
  • Klaus Münzenberger (Kurt)
  • Peter Späing (Günter)
  • Wilfried Zander (Kommandeur)
  • Bodo König (Grenzer)
  • Leon Jablko (Pionier)
  • Lothar Heine (Gendarm)
Assistant Director
  • Eleonore Dressel
  • Erhard Bittner
Assistant Camera
  • Walter Küppers
  • Detlef Hertelt
  • Richard Groß
Production Design
  • Artur Günther
Script Editing
  • Gudrun Deubener (geb. Rammler)
  • Wolfgang Lesser
  • Gerhard Hoffmann
Costume Design
  • Dorit Gründel
  • Erna Hallas
  • Alfred Fleischert
  • Willy Poetke
Production Management
  • Werner Dau
Unit Production Management
  • Christian Urban
  • Eberhard Rühmling
DEFA Photography
  • Rudolf Meister

Short Summary (German)

Einige Jungen im Pionierlager sind skeptisch, als das Mädchen Claudia sich am Geländespiel beteiligt. Sie will sich beweisen. Nach historischem Vorbild aus der Zeit des Sozialistengesetzes gilt es, eine illegale Zeitung aus der "Schweiz" durch die Sperren "preußischer Gendarmen" zum Treffpunkt der "Sozialisten" zu bringen. Durch eigenmächtiges Handeln verspielt Claudia beinahe den Sieg ihrer Gruppe, erkennt aber noch rechtzeitig die Bedeutung kollektiven Handelns.

(Quelle: Das zweite Leben der Filmstadt Babelsberg. DEFA-Spielfilme 1946-1992)

Short Summary (Other Languages)

Durante un campo estivo un gruppo di maschi non vede di buon occhio che Claudia, per affermarsi, voglia partecipare al loro gioco: secondo un antica tradizione in voga ai tempi della legge contro le mire sovversive della socialdemocrazia bisogna trafugare un giornale illegale dalla "Svizzera" al punto incontro dei "socialisti" passando per il blocco dei "gendarmi prussiani". Pur di cavarsela da sola Claudia rischia di far perdere la sua squadra, ma riconosce in tempo l'importanza della collaborazione. (Italienisch)

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