Movie Database


Corinna Schmidt

Director: Arthur Georg Otto (auch: Artur) Pohl, 97 Min., Black-White, Feature Film
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)
DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme, 1951

Film/Video Format
35 mm
Length in m
English Title
Corinna Schmidt
Premiere Date
Release Date (for Cinema)
Literary Source
Fontane, Theodor: "Frau Jenny Treibel", Roman
Film poster for "Corinna Schmidt"

(Dir.: Arthur Pohl, 1951) Graphic Design: Ring

Short Summary (English)

In Berlin, towards the end of the 19th century, a highly distinguished businessman by the name of Treibel hosted a bountiful gathering of social lights in his house. Corinna Schmidt, a young girl from a well regarded, but somewhat impoverished family, is fascinated by the atmosphere of wealth which permeates the Treibel household. Thus, she is not at all averse to the marriage proposal that comes from Treibel’s young son, Leopold. However, Leopold’s mother Jenny, who is extremely ambitious, is against the marriage. But when the community gets wind of the engagement, Jenny insists on a quick wedding.

Meanwhile, however, Corinna has become much more astute and sagacious in her dealings with the Treibel family - they are shallow people, she realizes, and their household is nothing but a hive of intrigues. Corinna decides to seek the counsel of her cousin, a teacher, who because of his social democratic convictions was deported from the country. Corinna however, will wait for his return.


Source: PROGRESS Film-Verleih

Film still for "Corinna Schmidt"

(Dir.: Arthur Pohl, 1951) Photography: Herbert Kroiss

Film still for "Corinna Schmidt"

(Dir.: Arthur Pohl, 1951) Photography: Herbert Kroiss

Film Crew

  • Eugen Klagemann
  • Rudolf Radünz
Film Editing
  • Hildegard Tegener
  • Trude Hesterberg (Jenny Treibel)
  • Willi Kleinoschegg (Kommerzienrat Treibel)
  • Ingrid Rentsch (Corinna Schmidt)
  • Joseph Noerden (Leopold Treibel)
  • Peter Podehl (Dr. Marcel Wedderkopp)
  • Hans Heßling (Professor Schmidt)
  • Erna Sellmer (Frau Schmolke)
  • Chiqui Jonas (Helene Treibel)
  • Edelweiß Malchin (Hildegard Munk)
  • Egon Brosig (Leutnant a. D. Vogelsang)
  • Hermann Lenschau (Otto Treibel)
  • Erika Gläßner (Majorin von Ziegenhals)
  • Ellen Plessow (Fräulein von Bomst)
  • Alfred Hülgert (Kammersänger Krola)
  • Aribert Grimmer (Friedrich)
  • Walter Weymann (Lehmann)
  • Eduard Bornträger (Konsistorialrat)
  • Fredy Sieg (Mützell)
  • Edith Volkmann (Fräulein Honig)
  • Herbert Richter (Fabrikant)
  • Martin Rosen (Fabrikant)
  • Hans Sanden (Fabrikant)
  • Ada Witzke (Anna)
  • Lutz Götz
  • Maria Besendahl
  • Helene Riechers
  • Antonie Jäckel
  • Gert Karl Schaefer
  • Will Dugal
  • Horst Stoletzki
  • Käthe Reichel
  • Helmuth Bautzmann
Assistant Director
  • Wolfgang Luderer
Production Design
  • Erich Zander
  • Karl Schneider
Script Editing
  • Marieluise Steinhauer
  • Hans-Hendrik Wehding
  • Erwin Kropf
Costume Design
  • Vera Mügge
  • Herbert Zensch
  • Werner Noack
  • Gerhard Seiffert
Production Management
  • Walter Lehmann
Unit Production Management
  • Gustav Lorenz
DEFA Photography
  • Herbert Kroiss

Short Summary (German)

Berlin am Ausgang des 19. Jahrhunderts. Das herrschaftliche Haus der Kommerzienrätin Jenny Treibel hat es der Professorentochter Corinna angetan. Deshalb kommen ihr die Annäherungsversuche des Treibel-Sohns Leopold gelegen. Dessen Mutter will eine Verbindung ihres Sohnes mit dem mittellosen Mädchen hintertreiben. Doch als die heimliche Verlobung der beiden an die Öffentlichkeit gelangt, drängt sie auf sofortige Heirat. Corinna indes hat das Intrigenspiel durchschaut und sich ihrem Vetter Marcel zugewandt - einem Lehrer, der wegen seiner sozialdemokratischen Gesinnung des Landes verwiesen wird. Er weiß, dass Corinna auf ihn wartet.

(Quelle: Das zweite Leben der Filmstadt Babelsberg. DEFA-Spielfilme 1946-1992)

Short Summary (Other Languages)

Alla fine del XIX secolo, affascinata dalla sontuosità della sua casa berlinese, Corinna, la figlia di un professore, non disdegna le avance di Leopold Treibel. Jenny Treibel, consigliere di commercio e madre del ragazzo, dapprima contraria alla relazione del figlio con una nullatenente, apprendendo del fidanzamento segreto dei due, spinge per il matrimonio. Intuendo l'intrigo, Corinna si consola con suo cugino Marcel, un insegnante. Nonostante l'espulsione dal paese per le sue idee socialdemocratiche, Marcel sa che Corinna continuerà ad aspettarlo. (Italienisch)

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