Director: Lutz Dammbeck, 15 Min., Color, Animation Film
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)
DEFA-Studio für Trickfilme, 1980 - 1981
- Film/Video Format
- 35 mm
- Length in m
- 410
- Type of Animation
- Flachfigurenfilm; Zeichentrickfilm
- Other Title
- Groteske Landschaft
- English Title
- Einmart
- Release Date (for Cinema)
Short Summary (English)
The very first images in the film set unprecedented standards in East German animated film: a Buñuelean eye that fills the entire screen, real-life sequences of fleeing animals and a sound collage running contrary to what is seen on the screen. This also extends to the protagonist of the film, a head on a foot without a body or arms who pads wearily through the depressing surroundings. Upon seeing various figures in the sky, he begins to copy their movements. To his surprise, he himself manages to grow wings and takes to the skies. But his attempt at flight ends in a sobering manner however, as it is revealed that flying creatures are just restricted in their range.
(source: University of Massachusetts (UMASS) - DEFA Film Library)

(Dir.: Lutz Dammbeck, 1980 - 1981)

(Dir.: Lutz Dammbeck, 1980 - 1981) Photography: Hans Schöne
Film Crew
- Director
- Script
- Scenario
- Camera
- Hans Schöne
- Film Editing
- Eva d'Bomba
- Script Editing
- Music
- Thomas Hertel
- Sound
- Heinz Kaiser
- Manfred Jähne (Geräusche)
- Thomas Hertel (Geräusche)
- Production Management
- Helga Kurth
- Design
- Animation
- Lutz Dammbeck
- Ingrid Gubisch
- Narrator
- Friedrich-Wilhelm Junge
- Dagmar Manzel
Short Summary (German)
Menschenähnliche Wesen bevölkern eine Kraterlandschaft und werden von einem riesigen schwarzen Ungeheuer beherrscht. Eines von ihnen schafft es, seine Deformation zu überwinden. Es erforscht die Umgebung, macht Flugversuche - zögert aber, ein gesetztes Gitter zu passieren und landet deshalb wieder dort, wo es hergekommen ist.
(Quelle: Die Trick-Fabrik. DEFA-Animationsfilme 1955-1990)