König Drosselbart
Director: Walter Beck, 72 Min., Color, Feature Film
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)
DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme, 1965
- Film/Video Format
- 35 mm
- Length in m
- 1981
- English Title
- King Thrushbeard
- Premiere Date
- Release Date (for Cinema)
- Literary Source
- Gebrüder Grimm: "König Drosselbart", Märchen
Short Summary (English)
While driving through the forest in her carriage, Princess Roswitha meets with an accident. A young nobleman comes to her aid, but she brushes him off cheekily. A swarm of top-ranking suitors welcome her on her arrival at the castle. She is to pick one as her future husband, but none meets her fancy - not even the last one, the horseman she met in the forest. She mocks him as "King Grisly Beard" because of his peculiar beard. She is so cutting and offending that the king decides to make the very next beggar who comes along to the castle his son-in-law. This happens to be a poor minstrel with whom the princess now has to share a shabby hut. Patiently, he teaches her how to do a lot of useful things such as cooking and pottery. But while selling her jugs and bowls at the market, she relapses into her old haughtiness. Punishment appears in the form of an unknown horseman who destroys her stand. In desperation, she takes to her heels and enters service as a maid at court. After this painful apprenticeship, the minstrel discloses his real identity "King Grisly Beard", the man she once derided. They become a happy couple.
Source: Progress Film- Verleih
Film Crew
- Director
- Walter Beck
- Script
- Günter Kaltofen
- Walter Beck
- Camera
- Lothar Gerber
- Film Editing
- Christel Ehrlich
- Cast
- Karin Ugowski (Prinzessin Roswitha)
- Manfred Krug (König Drosselbart)
- Martin Flörchinger (König Löwenzahn)
- Evamaria Heyse (Hofdame Beatrix)
- Helmut Schreiber (König Heinz Eduard)
- Achim Schmidtchen (König Wenzel)
- Gerd E. Schäfer (Herzog Adolar)
- Arno Wyzniewski (Prinz Kasimir)
- Bruno Carstens (Fürst Zacharias)
- Fritz Decho (Graf Eitelfritz)
- Horst Buder (Junker Balduin)
- Nico Turoff (Kutscher)
- Jürgen Marten (Mann)
- Renate Thiede (Arbeiterfrau)
- Klaus Schwarz (Diener)
- Manfred Heine (Küchenmeister)
- Ulrich Balko (auch: Lorr-Balko) (Küchenjunge Felix)
- Lothar Förster (Haushofmeister)
- Klaus Piontek (Tanzmeister)
- Christian Weisbrod (Schneider)
- Gundula Kahlow (Zofe)
- Angelica Malluschke (Frieseuse)
- Jochen Bley (Knabe Wilhelm)
- Marianne Wünscher (Obsthändlerin)
- Jutta Wachowiak (Zuckerbäckerin)
- Renate-Catharina Schroff (Bürgersfrau)
- Axel Triebel (Bürger Spiegler)
- Werner Kamenik (Tagelöhner Nadler)
- Rosemarie Gehrmann (Tänzerin)
- Jochen Diestelmann (Haushofmeister)
- Trude Brentina (Ältere Bauersfrau)
- Ostara Körner (Handwerkerfrau)
- Assistant Director
- Ellen Korfes
- Production Design
- Erich Krüllke
- Werner Pieske
- Script Editing
- Margot Beichler
- Gudrun Deubener (geb. Rammler)
- Music
- Wolfgang Lesser
- Sound
- Werner Krehbiel
- Musical Performance
- Ballett des Staatlichen Dorfensembles (Tanz)
- Costume Design
- Dorit Gründel
- Make-Up
- Otto Banse
- Heinz Bernhardt
- Liane Wilk
- Production Management
- Siegfried Kabitzke
- Unit Production Management
- Fritz Brix
- Dieter Anders
- Design
- Rosemarie Ehm-Schulz (Choreografie)
- DEFA Photography
- Ekkehard Hardtkopf
- Max Teschner
- Prädikat (Deutsche Film- und Medienbewertung (FBW)) (1991): wertvoll
Short Summary (German)
Prinzessin Roswitha ist genervt. Mit Gehässigkeiten weist sie Heiratsangebote der Adeligen ab, die ihr auf den Festen ihres Vaters König Löwenzahn vorgestellt werden. Einen der Männer hänselt sie aufgrund seines Bartes, der sie an den Schnabel einer Drossel erinnert, und nennt ihn König Drosselbart. Ihr Vater droht, sie mit dem nächsten Bettler zu vermählen. Als kurz darauf ein Spielmann durch das Hoftor schreitet, muss er seine Drohung in die Tat umsetzen. Roswitha zieht mit dem Spielmann fort: "Ach ich armes Mädchen zart, hätt’ ich doch nur genommen den König Drosselbart..."
Short Summary (Other Languages)
La Principessa Roswitha s'infortuna con la sua carrozza nel bosco. Un giovane cavaliere la aiuta, ma lei lo ricambia sdegnandolo. Rientrata al castello suo padre le chiede di scegliersi uno sposo fra una sfilza di candidati, ma da ciascuno la ragazza trova qualcosa da ridire. Nemmeno il cavaliere che l'ha aiutata le va bene, perché ha la barba come un tordo. Il vecchio Re, vedendo che la figlia si prende gioco dei pretendenti, va in collera e la dà in sposa al primo mendicante che incontra. La ragazza segue il suonatore nella sua capanna, lasciandosi ammansire dalla sua bontà. A quel punto il suonatore le rivela di essere il Re Bazza di Tordo, che lei un tempo aveva sdegnato. I due si sposano felici. (Italienisch)