Movie Database



Director: Dietmar Hochmuth, 111 Min., Color, Feature Film
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)
DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme, 1989

Film/Video Format
35 mm
Length in m
Other Title
Nutzmeter Null
English Title
Location Hunting
Premiere Date
Release Date (for Cinema)
Film poster for "Motivsuche"

(Dir.: Dietmar Hochmuth, 1989)

Short Summary (English)

Documentarist Rüdiger Stein has attained some popularity and recognition in his profession, but he does not only want to try his hand at historical subjects. Instead, he wants to get directly involved in shaping current social life. He is convinced he has at last found the right "mold" for a film - Klaus and Manuela, underaged lovers about to become parents - and goes all out to force through his project in the film studios. The film is to be called "Starting a Family". But things turn out differently from what he expected. The shooting comes to nothing: the young couple do what they want and not what the director demands of them. Rüdiger makes a new start, however:

Klaus's father, an alcoholic, has died and Rüdiger is to become the young man's guardian. He accepts and starts anew to play the role of destiny because his old project fascinates him as much as ever before. He reconciles the young couple with each other and shoots in the maternity ward when Manuela gives birth to her baby. These film takes are illegal and a scandal ensues. Rüdiger, whose life partner has chucked him out, quits at the studios and moves in with Klaus, who has been living on his own since Manuela found her "Mister Right". Rüdiger's self-styled concepts of life are outstripped by reality. But this helps him to go through life once again without blinkers - and, obsessed with film work, he cannot give it up.


Source: Progress Film-Verleih

Film still for "Motivsuche"

(Dir.: Dietmar Hochmuth, 1989) Photography: Wolfgang Ebert, Dietram Kleist, Norbert Kuhröber

Film still for "Motivsuche"

(Dir.: Dietmar Hochmuth, 1989) Photography: Wolfgang Ebert, Dietram Kleist, Norbert Kuhröber

Film Crew

  • Dietmar Hochmuth
  • Dietmar Hochmuth
  • Dieter Chill
Film Editing
  • Sabine Schmager
  • Peter Zimmermann (Rüdiger)
  • Arianne Borbach (Christa)
  • Dorothea Rohde (Manuela)
  • Mario Klaszynski (Klaus)
  • Florian Martens (Andy)
  • Lothar Bisky (Gerd)
  • Bärbel Bolle (Manuelas Mutter)
  • Jürgen Clasen (Kleriker)
  • Katja Erben (Lena)
  • Dietrich Fabienke (Kameraassistent)
  • Jochen Falck (Beleuchter)
  • Roland Geppert (Polizist)
  • Dietmar Greksch (Ekke)
  • Frank Gruner (Franky)
  • Rex Gülzow (Ossi)
  • Beate Hanspach (Frau Kiefert)
  • Claudia Jungnickel (Anna)
  • Dorothea Moritz (Hebamme)
  • Jörg Müller (Paule)
  • Ursula Naesert (Fleischersfrau)
  • Mike Nater (Rocky)
  • Edgar Nitzsche (Eddi)
  • Dieter Nitzschner (Kapitän)
  • Erwin Priefert (Großvater)
  • Gisela Rubbel (Sachbearbeiterin)
  • Sybille Ruge (Karla)
  • Paul Schnitzer (Mann in Kneipe)
  • Harry Scholz (Polizist)
  • Gerhard Schubert (Willi)
  • Anette Straube (Tanja)
  • Olaf Harald Walde (Vater von Klaus)
  • Ingrid Raack (Sängerin)
  • Tele-Band
  • Andreas Scheinert (Oberarzt)
  • Michael Gerber (Theaterschauspieler)
  • Inken Gusner (Schwester im Altersheim)
Assistant Director
  • Dietmar Haiduk
Assistant Camera
  • Wolfgang Bangemann
  • Dietram Kleist
  • Henry Schneider
Production Design
  • Solvejg Paschkowski
Script Editing
  • Andreas Scheinert
  • Georg Friedrich Händel ("Wassermusik", minuet pomposo)
  • Johann Sebastian Bach (Orgelchoral: "Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele"; Messe h-moll "Laudamus te")
  • Hans-Henning Thölert
  • Konrad Walle (Tonmischung)
Musical Performance
  • Ingrid Raack
  • Tele-Band
Costume Design
  • Inken Gusner
  • Heike Krause
  • Brigitte Welzel
  • Inge Pfenniger
  • Wolfgang Möwis
  • Jürgen Janitz
  • Jutta Ludwig
Production Management
  • Andrea Hoffmann
Unit Production Management
  • Jürgen Haseloff
  • Mischa Klemm
  • Rudi Korte
  • Ellen Götze
DEFA Photography
  • Wolfgang Ebert
  • Dietram Kleist
  • Norbert Kuhröber


  • 6. Spielfilmfestival der DDR Berlin (1990): "Findling" der Filmclub-Jury
  • 11. Max-Ophüls-Festival Saarbrücken (1990): Förderpreis

Short Summary (German)

Dokumentarfilmer Rüdiger Stein, ein Enddreißiger, hat sich vor allem mit Filmen über "Renaissanceriesen" beschäftigt. Doch er möchte endlich das wirkliche Leben vor die Kamera bekommen. Da läuft ihm ein minderjähriges Pärchen über den Weg, Klaus und Manuela. Sie ist schwanger, und die beiden wollen zusammen leben. Ein Stoff für Stein. Er setzt sein Projekt im Studio durch, scheitert aber an den Protagonisten, die nicht so wollen wie er. Sie zerstreiten sich. Als der Vater von Klaus stirbt, soll Stein Vormund werden. Er nimmt an, versucht die jungen Leute zu versöhnen. Es misslingt. Auch seine eigene Beziehung scheitert. Stein sucht Unterschlupf bei seinem Mündel Klaus, während Manuela mit ihrem Kind bei einem anderen Mann lebt.

(Quelle: Das zweite Leben der Filmstadt Babelsberg. DEFA-Spielfilme 1946-1992)

Short Summary (Other Languages)

Rüdiger Stein, documentarista vicino ai quaranta, dopo aver girato solo film in costume, vuole occuparsi di una storia di vita vissuta. Inizia così a raccontare la storia di Klaus e Manuela, due minorenni incontrati per caso, pronti a convivere per l’imminente arrivo di un figlio. Le riprese procedono con difficoltà, perché i ragazzi litigano fra di loro. Alla morte del padre di Klaus, Stein diventa suo tutore e cerca di riappacificare la coppia, senza successo. Quando anche la sua relazione va a monte, Stein si rifugia da Klaus, mentre Manuela va a vivere con suo figlio da un altro. (Italienisch)

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