Director: Götz Friedrich, 71 Min., Color, Feature Film
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)
DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme, 1962
- Film/Video Format
- 35 mm
- Length in m
- 1959
- English Title
- Little Red Riding - Hood
- Premiere Date
- Release Date (for Cinema)
- Literary Source
- Schwarz, Jewgeni; Gebrüder Grimm: "Rotkäppchen", Märchen

(Dir.: Götz Friedrich, 1962) Graphic Design: Werner Klemke
Short Summary (English)
Little Red Riding-Hood lives together with her parents in a house on the edge of the forest. Her friends are a bunny, a squirrel and a bear. The little girl is always prepared to help, friendly, innocent and even unsuspecting, for she does not hold anyone capable of doing anything bad. Little Red Riding-Hood often visits her grandmother who lives in the depths of the forest. But her way there is a dangerous one: the wolf and its lackey, the fox, terrorize everyone with their evil deeds. One day, Little Red Riding-Hood is caught in their net. At her grandmother's house she is overpowered and devoured by the wolf. But her friends arrive, and the bunny goes off to seek help. Her mother and father; and even the bear; rush to the scene, rescue her and see to it that the wolf receives its just punishment.
Source: Progress Film-Verleih

(Dir.: Götz Friedrich, 1962) Photography: Karin Blasig

(Dir.: Götz Friedrich, 1962) Photography: Karin Blasig
Film Crew
- Director
- Götz Friedrich
- Script
- Hans Rodenberg
- Camera
- Helmut Bergmann
- Roland Gräf (Kameraführung)
- Film Editing
- Christel Röhl
- Cast
- Blanche Kommerell (Rotkäppchen)
- Helga Raumer (Mutter)
- Horst Kube (Vater)
- Friedel Nowack (Großmutter)
- Werner Dissel (Wolf)
- Harald Engelmann (Fuchs)
- Ernst-Georg Schwill (Bär)
- Jochen Bley (Häschen)
- Assistant Director
- Ree von Dahlen
- Assistant Camera
- Erhard Schweda
- Production Design
- Alfred Drosdek
- Script Editing
- Gudrun Deubener (geb. Rammler)
- Music
- Gerhard Wohlgemuth
- Sound
- Horst Mathuschek
- Werner Klein (Tonmischung)
- Musical Performance
- Heidi Nickel (Gesangssolistin )
- Achim Hennecke (Gesangssolist)
- DEFA-Sinfonieorchester (Leitung: Karl-Ernst Sasse)
- Costume Design
- Walter Schulze-Mittendorff
- Make-Up
- Bernhard Kalisch
- Klaus Gloede
- Anita Hering
- Ilse Lichtenberg
- Props
- Siegfried Wittke
- Production Management
- Erich Albrecht
- Unit Production Management
- Günter Propp
- Heinz Schwoch
- Animation
- Erich Hammer (Puppenführung: Eichhörnchen)
- Consulting
- Harald Engelmann (Pantomime)
- Hans-Dieter Scheibel (Pantomime)
- Katharina Lange-Frohberg (Einstudierung Gesang)
- DEFA Photography
- Karin Blasig
- Narrator
- Waltraud Lohrmann (Erzählerin)
Short Summary (German)
Es war einmal ein Mädchen, das mit seiner Familie am Rand eines großen Waldes lebt. Aufgrund seiner roten Kappe wird es von allen Rotkäppchen genannt. Während ihrer Spaziergänge zur Großmutter, die auf der anderen Seite des Waldes lebt, freundet sich Rotkäppchen mit den Tieren des Waldes an. Ihre engsten Begleiter sind ein kleines Häschen und ein tollpatschiger Bär. Doch nicht alle Tiere sind dem Mädchen freundlich gesinnt: Wolf und Fuchs schmieden Pläne, um das Mädchen in einen Hinterhalt zu locken…
Short Summary (Other Languages)
Cappuccetto rosso vive con i suoi genitori ai margini del bosco. Gli animali sono i suoi amici e la ragazza, sempre disponibile e gentile, non farebbe male a nessuno. Spesso va a trovare la nonna che abita nel bosco, dove imperversano il lupo e la volpe. Un giorno cappuccetto rosso cade nel loro tranello. A casa della nonna il lupo l'aspetta e la divora. Ma i suoi amici l'aiuteranno: allarmati dal coniglio, il padre, la madre e persino l'orso verranno in suo soccorso, provvedendo a punire il lupo. (Italienisch)