Movie Database


Sabine Wulff

Director: Erwin Stranka, 91 Min., Color, Feature Film
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)
DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme, 1978

Film/Video Format
35 mm
Length in m
Other Title
Gesucht wird die freundliche Welt
English Title
Sabine Wulff
Premiere Date
Release Date (for Cinema)
Literary Source
Kruschel, Heinz: "Gesucht wird die freundliche Welt", Roman
Film poster for "Sabine Wulff"

(Dir.: Erwin Stranka, 1978) Graphic Design: Hans-Eberhard Ernst

Short Summary (English)

Sabine has just turned 18 when she is released from a reformatory. She now misses the friendly warmth which her education officer exuded and which she feels her parents lack. For this reason, she does not want to return home.

Sabine is bitterly disappointed in her old friend Jimmy for whom she once stole cigarettes. Many young people came to Jimmy because he was a good listener and empathized with everybody's problems. Her Uncle Karl, with whom she spent a lot of time as a little girl and whom she has always trusted implicitly, now is old and ill.

So Sabine has to fend for herself - she has to make a new start, look for an honest job and pay the rent for her furnished room with honestly earned money. She will also have to make new friends. This is not so simple as Sabine, with her unconditional love of truth and sense of justice, easily offends people. Gradually, however, she is eased into her new surroundings; she also becomes more familiar with her new job. But she still does not make things easy for herself as she suspiciously watches people's responses to her. Sabine is an active person, who likes to feel needed by others and who is trying to find her place in the world, sometimes feels like throwing in the towel and running away. But then there are always people who help her and who can deal with her openness sympathetically. Sabine will manage to go her own way...


Source: Progress Film-Verleih

Film still for "Sabine Wulff"

(Dir.: Erwin Stranka, 1978) Photograph: Dieter Jaeger

Film still for "Sabine Wulff"

(Dir.: Erwin Stranka, 1978) Photograph: Dieter Jaeger

Film Crew

  • Erwin Stranka
  • Erwin Stranka
  • Erwin Stranka
  • Peter Brand
Film Editing
  • Evelyn Carow
  • Karin Düwel (Sabine Wulff)
  • Manfred Ernst (Jimmy)
  • Jürgen Heinrich (Atsche)
  • Hans-Joachim Frank (Hansel)
  • Lars Jung (Hotte)
  • Jutta Wachowiak (Heide Hobohm)
  • Swetlana Schönfeld (Kati)
  • Ursula Christowa-Staack (geb. Staack) (Gisa)
  • Juliane Korén (Frau Hille)
  • Annelise Matschulat (Frau Stippel)
  • Hannelore Telloke (Frau Einhorn)
  • Ilse Voigt (Frau Prieselank)
  • Karla Runkehl (Sabines Mutter)
  • Erik S. Klein (Sabines Vater)
  • Gerhard Bienert (Onkel Karl)
  • Katharina Rothärmel (Frau Knuth)
  • Susanne Roder (Juliane)
  • Rolf Hoppe (Professor)
  • Wolfram Handel (Generalmusikdirektor)
  • Willi Schrade (Sportler)
  • Pedro Hebenstreit (Alfred)
  • Willi Neuenhahn (Wirt)
  • Reiner Adler (Herr Hobohm)
  • Rosemarie Schelenz (Frau Kräpel)
  • Hans Heinrich Gülzow (Chorleiter)
  • Waltraut (auch: Waltraud) Kramm (Glisse)
  • Christoph Beyertt (Lehrer Hartgeb)
  • Bodo Schmidt (Trabant-Fahrer)
  • Klaus Ebeling (Abteilungsleiter)
  • Jutta Langhoff (Obermeisterin)
  • Peter (auch: Eugen Peter) Herden (Direktor)
  • Christian Schlaak (Kind Frank)
  • Werner Blass (auch: Blaß) (Mann der Patenbrigade)
  • Werner Pfeifer (Angestellter)
  • Heinz Klevenow (Ingenieur)
  • Jürgen Mai (FDJ-Sekretär)
  • Christa (auch: Christel) Leuner (Sekretärin)
  • Theresia Wider (Referentin)
  • Elke Niebelschütz (Pummeliges Mädchen)
  • Petra Tschörtner (Peggy)
  • Dietrich Schlief (Arzt)
  • Stefan Bischof (Kind Hansel)
  • Grit Pietrowski (Kind Sabine)
  • Puhdys (Musikgruppe)
  • Brot und Salz (Musikgruppe)
Assistant Director
  • Elke Niebelschütz
Assistant Camera
  • Günter Sahr
  • Klaus Zähler
Production Design
  • Marlene Willmann
Script Editing
  • Anne Pfeuffer
  • Karl-Ernst Sasse
  • Werner Blass (auch: Blaß)
  • Gerhard Ribbeck
Musical Performance
  • Brot und Salz (Musikgruppe) (Lied "Blues vom Abschied")
  • Puhdys (Musikgruppe)
Costume Design
  • Werner Bergemann
  • Willi Gesche
  • Waltraud Dietze
  • Werner Giesler
  • Gerhard Rotzoll
Production Management
  • Erich Albrecht
Unit Production Management
  • Heinz Schwoch
  • Karl-Heinz Rüsike
  • Theo Scheibler
DEFA Photography
  • Dieter Jaeger
Dubbing (Dubbing Actor)
  • Jaecki Schwarz (Jimmy)
  • Elenore Henke (Frau des Direktors, Passantin, Obermeisterin)
  • Gabriele Gasowski (Passantin, Arbeiterin)
  • Eva Schäfer (Arbeiterin)
  • Jürgen Huth (FDJ-Sekretär)
  • Sina Fiedler (Frau Kräpel)
  • Roland Kuchenbuch (Lehrer, Direktor)
  • Helmut Schulze (Mann der Patenbrigade)
  • Michael Müller (Schüler (Christian Schlaak))


  • Preis "Beste Nachwuchsdarstellerin" (1979): Karin Düwel
  • Theodor-Fontane-Preis für Kunst und Literatur der Stadt Potsdam (1979): Theodor-Fontane-Preis - Marlene Willmann
  • Theodor-Fontane-Preis für Kunst und Literatur der Stadt Potsdam (1979): Theodor-Fontane-Preis - Anne Pfeuffer
  • Theodor-Fontane-Preis für Kunst und Literatur der Stadt Potsdam (1979): Theodor-Fontane-Preis - Peter Brand
  • Theodor-Fontane-Preis für Kunst und Literatur der Stadt Potsdam (1979): Theodor-Fontane-Preis - Erwin Stranka
  • I. Nationales Spielfilmfestival der DDR Karl-Marx-Stadt (1980): "Großer Steiger" der Publikumsjury

Short Summary (German)

Sabine Wulff, die von ihrem Freund zum Zigarettendiebstahl angestiftet wurde, wird 18-jährig aus dem Jugendwerkhof entlassen. Zu ihren Eltern möchte sie nicht zurück. Sie sucht sich eine Wohnung und nimmt eine Arbeit in der Schuhfabrik auf. Ihren Freund Jimmy liebt sie noch immer. Welche Schwierigkeiten ergeben sich bei der Eingliederung einer jungen Frau in die DDR-Gesellschaft nach anderthalb Jahren in einem Jugendwerkhof? Wie verhalten sich Mitmenschen? Mit welchen Vorurteilen sieht sie sich konfrontiert?

Short Summary (Other Languages)

Appena diciottenne, Sabine viene rilasciata dal riformatorio, dove è stata internata per aver rubato delle sigarette per il fidanzato Jimmy. Benché sia ancora innamorata di lui, vuole iniziare una nuova vita. Per non ritornare a vivere con i genitori, la ragazzi si affitta una stanza e cerca lavoro in una fabbrica di scarpe dove, in virtù del suo passato, la accolgono con scetticismo. Sabine è una collaboratrice scomoda, senza peli sulla lingua, il che non migliora la sua posizione. Eppure, la ragazza riesce a scoprire una truffa e con la sua insistenza contribuisce a migliorare le condizioni di lavoro in fabbrica. Alla fine tornerà da Jimmy, che non ha cambiato il suo stile di vita, ma che la ragazza affronta con ritrovata consapevolezza. (Italienisch)

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