Movie Database


Versteckte Fallen

Director: Rainer Behrend, 86 Min., Color, Feature Film
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)
DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme, 1990

Film/Video Format
35 mm
Length in m
Other Title
Pateneltern; Traumgrenzen
English Title
Hidden Traps
Premiere Date
Release Date (for Cinema)
Film poster for "Versteckte Fallen"

(Dir.: Rainer Behrend, 1990)

Short Summary (English)

Claudia and Georg Rattey, a married couple, have everything what people in their mid-thirsties might wish for: a car, a farmhouse for vacations on the weekends, and their son Oliver. But their contentedness does not turn into happiness but into an inner void: Claudia and Georg have nothing left to say to each other and just live alongside each other. One day, they discover a ten-year old burglar in their half-finished vacation home. For them, this diversion comes just at the right time. The boy, Frank Dobalt, has run away from a children’s home and was hiding in the vacation home. Out of pity, the Ratteys want to grant the boy several days of vacation. Also, they want to provide a playmate for their own son. But to get the permission of the children’s home, they also have to put up Frank’s twelve-year old sister Simone. But the children’s stay turns out to be far more conflict-ridden than expected. The children behave rather aggressive instead of integrating themselves into the well-ordered family life. The problems in the marriage of the Ratteys become evident; and furthermore, the couple learns that their domicile formerly belonged to Frank’s and Simone’s parents. The tensions keep increasing until Frank sets the house on fire. In the end, the Ratteys stand in front of smouldering ruins of their only seemingly perfect life.

(Quelle: filmportal)

Film still for "Versteckte Fallen"

(Dir.: Rainer Behrend, 1990) Photography: Kolbe

Film still for "Versteckte Fallen"

(Dir.: Rainer Behrend, 1990) Photography: Kolbe

Film Crew

  • Rainer Behrend
  • Maja Wiens
  • Andreas Klich
  • Maja Wiens
  • Andreas Klich
  • Eliane Rehor
  • Hans-Jürgen Kruse
Film Editing
  • Renate Schäfer
  • Arianne Borbach (Claudia Rattey)
  • Hans-Uwe Bauer (Georg Rattey)
  • Nico Wohllebe (Frank Dobalt)
  • Davia Dannenberg (Simone Dobalt)
  • Hendrik Woithe (Oliver Rattey)
  • Michael Kind (Robert)
  • Christine Schorn (Heimleiterin Lesser)
  • Doris Thalmer (Frau Sabrowski)
  • Gerd Preusche (Kraussellbesitzer)
  • Gerhard Hähndel (Polizist)
  • Ulrich Voß (Rudi)
  • Jost Ingolf Kittel (Bürgermeister)
  • Günter Falkenau (Arzt)
  • Claudia Schmutzler (Kellnerin)
  • Jürgen Hölzel (Vater Dobalt)
  • Marion Becker (Mutter Dobalt)
  • André Philipp (Heimkind)
  • Lars Labodda (Heimkind)
  • Katharina Krolik (Heimkind)
Assistant Director
  • Elke Niebelschütz
Assistant Camera
  • Andreas Walle
  • Klaus Kolbe
  • Hans-Joachim Knospe
Production Design
  • Hans Jorg Mirr
Script Editing
  • Gabriele Herzog
  • Fritz Sommer
  • Hans-Michael Gehr
  • Hans-Henning Thölert (Tonmischung)
Costume Design
  • Günther (auch Günter) Heidemann (geb. Schmidt, auch Schmidt-Heidemann)
  • Heinz Bernhardt
  • Christa Seraphin
  • Werner Giesler
  • Lorenz Graupner
  • Axel Sorgers
Production Management
  • Rolf Martius
Unit Production Management
  • Helmut Andert
  • Alexander Heinrich
DEFA Photography
  • Klaus Kolbe

Short Summary (German)

In ihrem zum Wochenendsitz ausgebauten Bauernhaus findet das Ehepaar Claudia und Georg Rattey einen zehnjährigen Einbrecher: Frank Dobalt, der aus einem Kinderheim geflohen ist. Die beiden nehmen den Jungen - sie haben selbst einen Sohn in diesem Alter - und dessen kleine Schwester Simone für die Ferientage zu sich. Doch die Ferien werden zu einer Katastrophe. In der Konfrontation mit den Kindern brechen Eheprobleme hervor, und die Kinder selbst benehmen sich aggressiv. Die Ratteys erfahren, dass ihr Haus einst den Eltern von Frank und Simone gehörte, die im Dorf wegen ihrer asozialen Lebensweise nicht gelitten waren. Die beiden Kinder wollen sich mit Gewalt die neuen "Eltern" erobern und damit auch "ihr Haus". Die Situation spitzt sich immer mehr zu. Als Frank schließlich das Haus in Brand setzt, sind alle Pläne gescheitert.

(Quelle: Das zweite Leben der Filmstadt Babelsberg. DEFA-Spielfilme 1946-1992)

Short Summary (Other Languages)

Arrivando nella loro casa di campagna, Claudia e Georg Rattey scovano un piccolo intruso: si tratta di Frank Dobalt, un bimbo di soli dieci anni fuggito dall'orfanotrofio. I coniugi, che hanno un figlio della stessa età, decidono di ospitare Frank e sua sorella Simone per le vacanze, ma l'idea si rivela ben presto catastrofica. I litigi fra i bambini, spesso aggressivi fra di loro, non fanno che evidenziare i problemi fra i coniugi, che scoprono anche, che un tempo la loro casa apparteneva ai genitori di Frank e Simone, malvisti in paese per via del loro comportamento asociale. Facendosi ospitare dai Rattey, i due bambini sperano dunque di riprendere possesso della loro vecchia "casa" e dei "nuovi" genitori. La situazione si fa sempre più disperata fin quando Frank non da fuoco alla casa. (Italienisch)

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