Movie Database


Wenn man vierzehn ist

Director: Winfried Junge, 36 Min., Black-White, Documentary
Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR)
DEFA-Studio für Dokumentarfilme, 1969

Film/Video Format
35 mm
Length in m
Other Title
Golzow IV; Wenn man 14 ist
English Title
When You Are Fourteen
Release Date (for Cinema)
Film poster for "Wenn man vierzehn ist"

(Dir.: Winfried Junge, 1969)

Short Summary (English)

The children of Golzow are teenagers now and don’t want to answer all the questions and feel a little annoyed at being filmed. However, as FDJ youth organization members and candidates for the youth ceremony that would give them adult status, they experience GDR typical events at that age, including a visit of Weimar - the city of the humanistic classical authors Goethe and Schiller - and a visit of the concentration camp in Sachsenhausen. The eight grade is also an important year; the students have to decide if they will leave school and learn a profession or continue in preparation for the university until 10th or 12th grade.

(source: University of Massachusetts (UMASS) - DEFA Film Library)

Film still for "Wenn man vierzehn ist"

(Dir.: Winfried Junge, 1969)

Film still for "Wenn man vierzehn ist"

(Dir.: Winfried Junge, 1969)

Film Crew

  • Hans-Eberhard Leupold
Film Editing
  • Charlotte Beck
Script Editing
  • Manfred Wolf
  • Peter Gotthardt
  • Heinz Dinter
  • Ingrid Schernikau
Production Management
  • Franz B. Romanowski
Unit Production Management
  • Charlotte Galow
Content Editing
  • Manfred Wolf
  • Lothar Schellhorn

Short Summary (German)

Die 8. Klasse und die Zeit der Jugendweihe in Golzow. Die Jugendlichen müssen sich entscheiden, ob sie die Schule verlassen und eine Ausbildung beginnen oder ob sie später studieren wollen.

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