Film still for "Kennen Sie Urban?"

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is one of the DEFA Foundation’s governing bodies. The principles and guidelines for the foundation’s work are determined at regular meetings.

The body consists of nine members: two representatives from the federal government (one from the BKM and one from the Federal Archives), two from the federal states (one from Saxony and alternatingly, one from Berlin or Brandenburg), a representative from the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau Foundation, and four representatives from the area of art and culture, who are appointed by the states of Berlin, Brandenburg, and Saxony.

The new federal states, in which no DEFA studios existed, are given observer status, i.e., representatives from Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Thuringia, and Saxony-Anhalt, are invited to the board’s meetings, but they have no voting rights. The members are appointed for three years. The current term of office is from 2022 to 2024.


Members Representatives
Ulrike Schauz
Representative of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM)
Stefanie Hasler
Representative of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media (BKM)
Katharina Vietze
Representative of the Berlin Mayor’s Office, Senate Office
Frederike Franke
Representative of the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of Brandenburg
Bettina Heger
Representative of the Saxon State Ministry for Science and the Arts
Daniel Grummt
Representative of the Saxon State Ministry of Science and the Arts
Christiane von Wahlert
Representative of the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau Foundation
Sabine Schorn
Representative of the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau Foundation
Petra Rauschenbach
Representative of the German Federal Archives
Adelheid Heftberger
Representative of the German Federal Archives
Representatives from
the area of Art and Culture
Katrin Schlösser
Director, Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Peter Badel
Denise Grduszak
Erich Pommer Institut
Dorett Molitor
Filmmuseum Potsdam
Klaus Schmutzer
Film Producer
Cornelia Klauß
Film Scholar
Ralf Kukula
Film Producer
Sylke Gottlebe
Dresden Film Festival
Associate State Representatives  
Thomas Hertel
Representative of the Ministry of Culture of Saxony-Anhalt
Wieland Koch
Representative of the Thuringian State Chancellery
Frederike Franke
Representative of the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of Brandenburg
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